One of the main objectives of our Ministry; is to be provided better quality, efficient, effective and safe health services in terms of mother-baby health during the pregnancy and birth process.
In this context, pregnant school studies have been started in order to consciously prepare and support mothers-to-be mentally, physically and socially for birth and the postpartum period.
Pregnant School opened within our hospital; Between 09:30 – 12:00 in the morning, between 13:30 and 15:30 in the afternoon, to the expectant mothers between 24-37 weeks, “preparation for birth, pregnancy, nutrition during pregnancy, breast milk and breastfeeding, baby care, bath, gas massage It is a section that provides information on many subjects such as milking and storage conditions, puerperal care and family planning. Since our pregnant school serves as a menopause school on Mondays, it serves as a pregnant school every other day except for one Monday. At the end of the course, our mothers-to-be are given a certificate of participation, undershirts and wristbands according to the gender of the babies, and they are shown the mother-friendly delivery rooms and introduced with the midwives. In addition, breathing and relaxation exercises, exercise programs on the pilates ball, and mental, spiritual and physical preparation for birth are provided.