Rights of Patient


RIGHT TO BENEFIT FROM HEALTH SERVICES (Patient Rights Regulation/Second part)

Fair and equitable benefit request Information

Selecting and Changing the Health Institution recognizing, selecting and changing personnel requesting priority order

Diagnosis, Treatment and Care Appropriate for Medical Requirements Prohibition of İntervention Except for Medical Necessities Prohibition of Euthanasia

Medical care

THE RIGHT TO BE INFORMED ABOUT HEALTH STATUS(Patient Rights Requlation/ Third Section) PROTECTION OF PATIENT'S RIGHTS(Patient Rights Requlation/ Fourth Section)
Respecting Privacy

Not Subjected to Medical Surgery Without Consent Keeping Information Confidential

PATIENT'S CONSENT IN MEDICAL INTERVENTION(Patient Rights Requlation / Fifth Chapter) 

Consent and consent of the patient

Refusing and Stopping Treatment 

Family Planning Services and Termination of pregnancy

MEDICAL RESEARCH (Patient Rights Requlation/Section Six)

Protection and Information of the Volunteer Obtaining Consent  

OTHER RIGHTS(Section Seven)

Ensuring Security
Fulfilling Religious Duties and Benefiting from Religious Services Respecting human values and visting

Keeping a Companion

Liability and legal protection means (patient rights requlation / EighthChapter) 

Right to application, Complaint and Litigation


  1. Behaving in accordance with the rules and practices of the health institution and institution to which they apply, and acting with the awareness of being a part of the diagnosis and treatment team with a participatory approach,
  2. to give information abaut his current medical history, previous illnesses, treatments and medical interventions, current medications, if any, and his health, as completely and accurately as possible
  3. Coming to the control at the times determined by the physician and giving feedback on the progress of the treatment
  4. Complying with the date and time of the appointment and notifying the relevant place of the changes

  5. Respecting the rights of patients, other patients and personnel who are given priority according to the relevant legislation

  6. Not behaving verbally and physically attacking the personnel     
  7. Do not apply to the patient communication unit when you think that their rights have been violated or have problems.