The services offered in health tourism in out hospital are carried out within the scope of GETAT applications.
Hirudotherapy (leech) Application: It is a treatment method based on the principle that the leech, which contains many therapeutic active substances in its secretion, is applied to certain points on the skin and these substances are effective both locally and by passing into the blood circullation.

Cup application (Hijama): Hijama, which is used in line with the origin of the word, is an application that absorbs toxins in the blood and removes them from the body in this way, accelerates blood circulation, is used for dirty blood in capillaries and is used to open blockages in blood vessels.

In the globalizing world, the increase in cooperation between countries, freedom of travel and opportunities, providing convenience in transportation, the development of quality in health care in different parts of the world, both individual and budget-related difficulties in health care financing have increased the importance of the concept of health tourism in the world.
Today. the problems that occur as a result of industriralization and urbanization have negative effects on human and public health. In unhealthy soccieties, workforce and production capacity are decreasing. In order to protect human health, increase labor productivity and production, natural tourism resources (clean air, sun, healing thermal waters, climate) opportunites are utilized.
Health tourism; In short, it is the visit of individuals to a country other than the country they live in, with the aim of receiving both preventive, curative, rehabilitative and health-promoting services. Health tourism is a sector that allows health institutions to grow by using its mobility potential for international health purposes.