All staff working in the Obstetrics Clinic and Pediatric Units are responsible for implementing the hospital policy regarding successful breastfeeding. All health is directed to this policy.
Pregnant women are informed about the benefits and methods of breastfeeding.
In the first hour after birth, babies are helped to start breastfeeding by providing skin-to-skin contact with their mothers.
Except for medical necessity, it is ensured that the mother and baby stay together for 24 hours.
Effective breastfeeding methods are shown to mothers. The baby is informed about taking only breast milk for the first 6 months and continuing
breastfeeding with appropriate complementary feeding until the age of two and above.
In special cases where the mother and baby need to be separated, the necessity and methods of expressing milk for the continuation of lactation are explained and shown to the mothers.
Mothers and their close relatives are informed about not giving food, drink or bottle to babies except for medical reasons.
The mother is supported to breastfeed her baby whenever the baby wants.
All pregnant women who consult to the obstetrics clinic are informed about the benefits of breastfeeding.
Mothers are informed about the health institutions and mother support groups that they can apply to, so that they can continue breastfeeding after discharge, solve the problems they may encounter, and have their babies and themselves checked.
Our hospital has been given the title of "Baby-Friendly Neonatal Intensive Care Unit" because it informs mothers who have babies in the newborn intensive care unit, who have just given birth, about breast milk, and helps mothers on how to breastfeed their babies immediately after birth.
All of our health staff working in the neonatal intensive care unit have been received breast milk and breastfeeding counseling training. Mothers are informed about the benefits and methods of breastfeeding, how to breastfeed, how to maintain the secretion of milk when they are separated from their babies, how to express the breast and proper storage conditions. In the service, suitable conditions are provided for mother-infant union. For this purpose, there is an opportunity to stay in the mother hotel for our mothers who come from far away.