In recent years, with advances in medical technology and the impact of globalisation has increased the possibility of getting more quality health care at affordable prices and from different countries all over the world have begun to also increase the demand for international health tourism. Related services have also become an important contribution to the economies of the country. It is extremely important to collect and analyze relevant data in order to develop the policies, strategies necessary for our country to achieve its goals in the field of health tourism, to create plans and programs, or to monitor existing strategies and programs.
Health care health care facilities affiliated with the goal of getting to our Ministry of foreign patients who apply to the service process, the e-PULSE/Health Coding Reference Server “type foreign patient” s date and 13.07.2017 30123 published in the Official Gazette “in accordance with the definitions in the regulations of the international health tourism and tourist health (International health tourism, health tourists) and the necessary business and the execution of operations in accordance with the selected patient information will be sent to complete, only institutions with authorization documents should enter data and foreign patients (asylum seekers, refugees) applying to receive services from your institution should not be entered as health tourism when entering the system.